Crusader of Texas Water Treatment

Treating Fluoride  and Other Contaminants



Fluoride occurs naturally in some groundwater and is also added to water in some cities. Fluoride typically has no impact on the color, taste, or odor of your water. However, it is a potential neurotoxin, and many people choose to remove it from their water.

Get Options and Spec Sheet Here 

Our Professional and Deluxe Systems Use AquaPro 500-2 Systems

AquaPro 500-2 Hybrid ResinĀ 
To Remove Hardness and Heavy Metals:

Calcium Magnesium
Iron Copper
Zinc Chromium
Lead Mercury
Nickel Manganese
Lithium Aluminum
Silver Gallium
Germanium Antimony
Bismuth Cadium

Our Enhanced Systems use:

AquaPro 500-3 Hybrid ResinĀ 
To Remove Hardness and Heavy Metals:

Calcium Magnesium
Iron Copper
Zinc Chromium
Lead Mercury
Nickel Manganese
Lithium Aluminum
Silver Gallium
Germanium Antimony
Bismuth Cadium
Radium, combined (-226 & -228)

AquaPro Macro Select Hybrid Anion Resin
To Remove Anions in Water

Fluoride Nitrates
Tannin Cyanide
Lignin Arsenic
Isotopes Sulfates
Radon Bromide
Silica Boron

Contact Crusader of Texas to solve your water problems


At Crusader of Texas, our attentive staff is available Monday through Friday to answer all of your questions and ensure you are 100% satisfied.
Extension 1: Admin
Extension 2: Sales or Service
Extenion 3: Schedule Maintenance

Crusader of Texas is Independently Owned and Operated by IWP Incorporated. IWP Incorporated is the Master Dealer and Distributor of Crusader Water Treatment Products for the Sate of Texas.
If you are interested in becoming a partner to access our many partner support programs please contact us.