Crusader of Texas Water Treatment


Looking for a high efficiency water softener that continuously supplies high quality water to your home or facility? Look no further than the Crusader Enhanced Twin Analyst System!

Crusader Twin Analyst systems are ultra high efficiency water softening systems that provide you with a continuous supply of high quality water. 

The Crusader Twin Analyst softener with upflow regeneration functionality and dual resin exhaustion sensors embodies some of the best features available in a Texas water softener: redundancy, intelligent sensing and efficient regeneration. After each cleaning cycle, the computer creates a new profile of the water conditions for the standby tank to use during it's service cycle.

The Twin Analyst softener is able to actually calculate exactly how hard your water is and also accommodate for other contaminants like iron, magnesium, and lead, something that non sensor-based systems can't do.

The Twin Analyst Crusader systems that we sell in Texas include smart software that performs a "deep cleaning cycle." Deep cleaning is a simple concept: The system cleans using as little salt and water as possible during normal usage, but knowing that the resin media slowly loses functional capacity after extended "economy" regenerations, it will do a deep cleaning cycle after six regular high-efficiency cleanings.

During deep cleaning, the softener will clean with a stronger flush and make sure your water stays clean and safe. We have Twin Sensor systems available in High-efficiency softener as well as Crusader Deluxe chlorine removal conditioning configurations in a variety of sizes and flow rates.


The Twin Analyst System Difference:

The patented quad-sensor technology employed in every Crusader Twin Analyst system was developed in response to the global water crisis.
Water hardness continues to fluctuate, and brine discharge continues to be a concern. Many solutions have been attempted in the marketplace, but none as elegantly as the Twin Analyst.

The Crusader Twin Analyst softener with upflow regeneration functionality and dual resin exhaustion sensors embodies some of the best features in salt-based softening that the industry currently has to offer: redundancy, intelligent sensing and efficient regeneration.

After each regeneration, the control creates a new profile of the water conditions for the standby tank to use during it's service cycle. Crusader systems include smart software that performs a "deep cleaning cycle." Deep cleaning is a simple concept: Knowing that the resin media slowly loses functional capacity after extended "economy" regenerations, the system will initiate a deep cleaning cycle after a calculated number of regular high-efficiency cleanings. The software uses a proprietary algorithm to determine how often to do this based on how many gallons have been processed, the age of the system and, of course, what the onboard sensors detect about the status of the resin media.

During deep cleaning, the control will temporarily forego the regular salt- and water-saving settings to perform a regeneration with a more concentrated brine solution to thoroughly clean the resin. We believe that this will become the new standard for performance, consistency, and efficiency in the 21st century.
Contact Crusader of Texas to solve your water problems


At Crusader of Texas, our attentive staff is available Monday through Friday to answer all of your questions and ensure you are 100% satisfied.
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Crusader of Texas is Independently Owned and Operated by IWP Incorporated. IWP Incorporated is the Master Dealer and Distributor of Crusader Water Treatment Products for the Sate of Texas.
If you are interested in becoming a partner to access our many partner support programs please contact us.