Crusader of Texas Water Treatment

Remove Uranium, Radium, and Radon from Water

radon levels in Texas

"Previous studies have found associations between chronic uranium exposure and increased risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, and lung cancer at high levels of exposure,” according to Anne Nigra, PhD, assistant professor of Environmental Health Sciences at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. 

At Crusader, we use whole house systems, like Enhanced Filtration, or Reverse Osmosis depending on the level of contaminants detected.

Three ways you use water:

  • There is water you work with, laundry etc .
  • Water you bathe in, chemical free, radon free (radon goes out faucet into the air) you are an osmosis you absorb chemicals through your skin... some are high enough and you inhale the gas. 
  • Then there is the water you drink.

Worrying levels of uranium and various other problematic metals can be found in drinking water across the US, according to a new study published in the Lancet Planetary Health. The analysis by Columbia University researchers found that the average levels of uranium (a naturally radioactive element ) and arsenic (a potentially harmful heavy metal) found in US water systems exceeded the maximum contaminant levels set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

See Full Report Here

Contact Crusader of Texas to solve your water problems


At Crusader of Texas, our attentive staff is available Monday through Friday to answer all of your questions and ensure you are 100% satisfied.
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Crusader of Texas is Independently Owned and Operated by IWP Incorporated. IWP Incorporated is the Master Dealer and Distributor of Crusader Water Treatment Products for the Sate of Texas.
If you are interested in becoming a partner to access our many partner support programs please contact us.